Silicon Labs’ xG24 kits are based on their EFR32™ Wireless Gecko System-on-Chip (SoC). Each product within their xG24 line is a powerful tool for connecting and enhancing wireless designs, but developers should consider intended applications before selecting between the xG24 development kit and their xG24 Wireless Pro Kits.
The xG24 development kit (xG24-DK2601B) is a compact, feature-rich prototype and development platform ideal for artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) applications. Incorporating five different types of environmental sensors, an AI/ML hardware accelerator, Silicon Labs’ xG24 dev kit supports platforms from TinyML, Edge Impulse, SensiML, and MicroAI. Additionally, the xG24 dev kit supports up to +10dBm output power, 20-bit ACD, and MicroAI.
Silicon Labs’ xG24-PK6009A and xG24-PK6010A Wireless Pro Kits were designed to support the development of IoT devices based on the EFR32xG24. The xG24 Pro Kits are ideal for high-volume and scalable 2.4 GHz wireless IoT devices and come equipped with a WSTK main board and radio board for comprehensive evaluation.