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One Stop Shop Solution
Cavli Hubble enables users to configure and manage modem hardware parameters, network parameters, data usage and much more, from any secure remote terminal across the globe.
World's First CaaS Platform
A single platform solution that offers various cloud-agnostic connectivity on offer, with support for multiple network technologies.
Privacy At Any Cost
All data packets sent or received through the Cavli Hubble Platform is untampered and not monitored ensuring best in class data privacy for our customers.
Cavli Wireless designs and manufactures cellular IoT modules with integrated eSIM and global connectivity powered by Cavli Hubble platform. Cavli Wireless delivers Cellular Modules for 5G, 4G, NB-IoT and LTE-M technologies ; IoT connectivity and device management platform. The Cavli Hubble Platform (Connectivity & Device management platform) makes Connectivity over Cellular, seamless, secure & cost effective.